Coming Soon: JOYSTICKS, INSPECTOR WEARS SKIRTS 2-3 and More May-July 2024 Blu-ray Releases


A quick pre-review look at upcoming May 7 - July 9, 2024 releases (with Amazon links for full specs and purchasing): 

JOYSTICKS (1983) on Blu-ray from the MVD Rewind Collection (Street Date: 5/7/24): 

FRIVOLOUS LOLA (1998), on 4K UHD and Blu-Ray from Cult Epics (Street Date: 5/7/24): 

TOO MUCH SLEEP (1997), on Blu-ray from Whole Grain Pictures (Street Date: 5/7/24): 

THE INSPECTOR WEARS SKIRTS 3 (1990), on Blu-ray from 88 Films (Street Date: 7/9/24): 

THE INSPECTOR WEARS SKIRTS 4 (1992), on Blu-ray from 88 Films (Street Date: 7/9/24): 

HARDWARE WARS (1978), on Blu-ray from the MVD Rewind Collection (Street Date: 5/7/24): 

SABOTAGE (1996), on Blu-ray from MVD Rewind Collection (Street Date: 5/7/24): 

SHINOBI, on Blu-ray from Radiance Films (Street Date: 5/28/24): 

Reviews coming soon! 
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