HANDGUN (aka DEEP IN THE HEART - 1983) Fun City Editions Blu-ray Review

Fun City Editions brings to Blu-ray the 1983 revenge film HANDGUN (aka DEEP IN THE HEART), British director Tony Garnett's look at American (and specifically Texan) gun culture through the eyes of a Boston schoolteacher (Karen Young) assaulted by a smarmy acquaintance (Clayton Day), and her subsequent journey toward payback.

Presented in a gorgeous, clean transfer that drops you right into early 80s Dallas, with great use of real locations and non-actors in supporting roles, really giving you the feel of time and place. Solid extras and great throwback packaging (especially if you haunted 80s video stores and have a fondness for the look of old Thorn-EMI or HBO Video tapes) make it another nice rescue from obscurity by FCE.

Get your copy now from Amazon at:

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Full review here:


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